Sunday, May 11, 2008


I recently graduated on Friday! YAY!!! Even though it was a big milestone in my life, it was just any other day to me...maybe that's because I still have another year or two in grad school. I did, however, get to catch up with my long lost friend Tessa that night! After our lovely night in at Tessa's new house, I decided it was time to pack...can you hear the excitement in my voice?! So after procrastinating for a few hours, I started at about 12:30 a.m. I absolutely hate to pack so it was no surprise that I wasn't in the best of moods. So I got to thinking while I was packing...about leaving Troy and what this summer holds for me. I was definitely overwhelmed with mixed emotions. I'm SO EXCITED about going to Peru and discovering what God is going to do. I enjoy meeting new people and I know that since God has called me to go that everything will be perfectly fine. But on the other hand, I was sad to leave Troy for the summer and all my friends. It's going to be so hard not seeing them everyday or talking (well mainly texting them)! My wonderful roomie made me even more can sleep in my bed anytime you would like Court! :) Most of my friends are going out of the country also. I can't wait to see all of them when we get back to compare stories!

1 comment:

jeff and rebecca said...

Well Howdy Beth Cox!!! SO great to see you! You have grown into such a beautiful young lady. You have come a long way since I first met you with your long bangs and nobby knees. You have always been a cutie pie!! When are you going to Peru? My family is planning on going there next summer to visit some missionary friends we have there just outside of Lima. Let me know how things go there.